- I still stick to vegetarian diet even during this special time and the veggie dumplings I found in supermarket were so delicious. I think I should cook veggie food when we're back to work.
✔️ Translated one article myself and published it
✘ At least two chapter progress of LPTHW
Lesson learned:
First I want to clarify, when I set goal like this, I mean grasp all the content in those chapters (finishing all the exercises).
As it is a task of learning new hard things, i.e., programming, I actually didn't have a clear sense of how much time it would take and tended to leave the task to the final afternoon, which often times it is impossible to finish.
Therefore, next week I will choose a progress measure for the same goal.
Focus habit
✔️ 7/7 Three pieces of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind each day (preferable each noon after lunch)
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