Stature Course Exercises

2020/01/06 22:32 PM posted in  Personal Growth Stature

1.1 - Introduction

  1. Why did you enroll in Stature? What would you like to change or improve about yourself?

    I enrolled in Stature because I want to shift my character to much more abundant storyline. I want to become a person who can set big long-term goals and steadily achieve them in a relaxed-confidence manner. I want to continuously build atomic habit to further unlock what the universe has to offer.

  2. What are your intentions for this deep dive?

    I want to build a character of myself I really like and appreciate and unlock my potential, abundant beyond what I can think of now.

  3. Why now? Why are you inviting a character sculpting transformation at this time in your life?

    It's the time. I do believe I have my own life path, hero journey and storyline which I deeply appreciate now. I can't wait unlocking interesting experiences and unconventional results.

1.2 - The Airing of Grievances

Grievance Desired Values Expressed Values
Did not finish my task/goal on time Accountablility, firm, flow Resisitance, self-justification
Did not sleep early as I wish Peace, stable Desire, inpulse
Worried too much about being judged or criticized Relax, focus, bold, fast Hesitation, stagnent, slow

1.3 - The Airing of Commendations

Commendation Expressed Values Avoided Values
Growth mindset Action, grow, patient perfectionism,stagnant,wait
Abundant mindset Wealth, open, courage Status, scarcity, isolated
Unique character journey intuition,uniqueness,trust Doubt, mainstream, boring

1.4 - Who Do You Think You Are?

label I would like to put on myself:

money lover
analytics product designer
outdoor swimmer
good intention

1.5 - Impossible Invitations


New Orientation School mentor
LET, Finland
CLANED project
Master Thesis
EDA & Navigation article
Scott Young
Data analyst programme
LAK20 submission, weekly study report


LAK20 trip plan
CS programme application
my own company, money lover
Services data analyst


data product designer role in great consumer product company
beloved life partner
Meta, a product combine personal growth and data science

1.6 - Summoning Your Power

This lesson make me think about why people do extreme sport which would activate their powerful self.


I managed to 'double-skip' rope more than 100/min in order to win the reward of playing football. (4th grader)

I deliberately trained my left foot to play football for half an year and successfully achieve the same result as my right foot. (4th grader)

I self-trained basketball shot skill in a hot summer, a few hours everyday under Sun. (10th grader)

I studied chemistry hard that summer and my score jumped from 40 to 90 within a summer. (12th grader)

I successfully handled my application for studying abroad all on my own within two months. (26)

I finished writing master thesis first and achieve the highest score in my class within three months. (28)

I tried everything I could (find hints from others' question post & search and learn from tutorial videos completely from another source) to finish hard projects (open street map & D3.js visualization projects) during a long stretch of time without a break (28)

I built two unprecedented dashboards within two days. (from morning to afternoon without lunch break) (29)


  • the things I am going to do is so important for my future or I am so excited about it
  • peaceful, focus mind during a long stretch of time without a break
  • great time pressure as a forcing function to force me get into FLOW state quickly

1.7 - Avoiding Your Power


1.8 - To the Pain

What was the event?
The best thing you could do for her was to walk away.

How did this event affect your character afterwards? How did it change you?
I went into personal growth field and always wanted to be a better person since then.

What meaning(s) did you assign to this event?
It was the starting point of my current character's storyline.

1.9 - To the Love

What was the event?

I treated my first love pizza hut using my first piece of income in my life. We sat together, ate pizza, and talk.

How did this event affect your character afterwards? How did it change you?

Since then, I understand that the most fantastic adventure is not about going somewhere, instead, it is about being with the one you love.

What meaning(s) did you assign to this event?

It is my base point.

What kind of character would you have to become such that your previous peak experiences eventually become your new daily norm?

Good question! If such experiences eventually become my daily norm I would wake up laughing. Here are what I am think of now:

  • Solid healthy habit (food, sleep, exercise, mindful meditation)
  • Productive and Prolific (deep focus for long-time session, clear and stable daily schedule)
  • Money lover (invest more time into money field)

1.10 - Backstory

What was the environmental element?

The family I was raised.

How did this element shape or influence your character?

I don't know. I want figure it out how much I can I can change and how much I cannot change.

How do you feel about this character sculpting effect?

The worst thing, the best thing.

1.10 - Personal Trainers


  • Yujie, Lixiaolai, Liuweipeng, Scott Young, Steve Pavlina
  • Yuhengrui, Yujia, Zhaoyu, Lihao, Wenjie, Baowanrong, Wangjian, Megumi, Ricardo, Xiangxiang, Hector, John Mav, Simon, Orit